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Which modules access CV and Gate of the A-100 bus ?

These modules are able to transmit CV and/or Gate signals to the A-100 bus:

  • A-164-1 Manual Gate (Gate only)
  • A-185-1 Bus Access (Gate and CV)
  • A-185-2 Precision Adder (CV only)
  • A-190-1 Midi-CV/Gate/Sync Interface (Gate and CV)
  • A-190-2 Midi-CV/Gate Interface (Gate and CV)
  • A-190-3 USB/Midi-CV/Gate interface (Gate and CV)
  • A-190-4 USB/Midi-CV/Gate/Sync interface (Gate and CV)

Usually jumpers are available that are used to connect the CV and/or Gate output to the corresponding line of the A-100 bus board. For details please refer to the information page or the user's manual of the module in question. Pay attention that only one Gate or CV transmitter is allowed for each bus segment. Otherwise a short circuit between two outputs is made which may damage the modules.

It is possible to divide each bus board into two sections by removing the corresponding jumpers for CV and Gate in the center of the bus board. These jumpers are used to connect the left and right side of the CV or Gate lines of the bus board. If it is required that two or more bus boards have available the same CV and/or Gate signals a special CV/Gate bus connection cable (A-100BC = A-100 Bus Connector)) is necessary.

This cable is made of two jumpers which are connected by a wire. If the jumpers of the A-100BC are plugged to the pin headers in the center of the two bus boards the CV and/or Gate lines of both bus boards are connected.

These modules are able to receive CV and/or Gate signals from the A-100 bus:

  • A-110-1 Standard VCO (CV only)
  • A-110-2 Basic VCO (CV only)
  • A-110-4 Quadrature Thru Zero VCO (CV only)
  • A-111-1 High End VCO (CV only)
  • A-111-2 High End VCO (CV only)
  • A-111-3 Micro Precision VCO (CV only)
  • A-111-4 Quad VCO (CV only)
  • A-111-5 Synthesizer Voice (CV and Gate)
  • A-111-6 Synthesizer Voice (CV and Gate)
  • A-140 ADSR (Gate only)
  • A-140-2 Dual ADSR (Gate only)
  • A-141-2 VCADSR (Gate only)
  • A-142-2 Dual Envelope Controlled VCA (Gate only)
  • A-143-4 Quad VCLFO/VCO (CV only)

Usually a jumper is available that is used to connect the CV or Gate input of the module to the corresponding line of the A-100 bus board. For details please refer to the user's manual of the module in question. In some cases the bus signal is added to the other inputs of the module (e.g. A-111-1), in other cases normalling is used (i.e. the switching contact of a socket at the front panel is connected to the bus signal). Other modules may be connected to the CV and Gate signals of the bus too as described on the A-100 DIY page -> Subsequent bus normalling of modules.

If more than 2-3 VCOs are supplied by the same CV buffering of the CV is recommended. For this the modules A-185-1 Bus Access, A-185-2 Precision Adder or A-180-3 Buffered Multiple can be used. The interfaces A-190-2, A-190-3 and A-190-4 feature buffered CV outputs. For these interfaces no additional CV buffers are required. Buffering of Gate signals is usually not necessary.